MSW-2024: 4th International Workshop on Multilingual Semantic Web, December 10, 2024 Online
Most systems require Speech and language therapies. These therapies are currently becoming a necessity for not just impaired patients but for most systems developed to meet the sustainable developments goals such as health and agriculture. The advent of semantic web provides a window to make this therapeutic tool, such as counselling aids for wellness, available for all that are in need. Counselling for Wellness is focusing on providing educational counsel to a community (people, farmers, etc.) that require wellness. Wellness, here, can be attributed to always having access to basic health needs, sustainable agriculture which is one way of staying out of poverty. Our guest for sustainable development considers providing technological solutions to some of the underlying problem where some there is high mortality rate, poor yield of certain farm produce in some parts of the world, etc. resulting from ignorance or inadequate education or counsel on the subject. One sure way of providing this sustainable and intelligent counsel for wellness is to adopt semantically driven technological solutions for machine readability and understandability. Several methodologies that aid in providing these solutions include knowledge representation and reasoning using ontologies and knowledge graphs, neuro-symbolic reasoning, machine learning; and machine translations with focus on multilingualism with the adoption of NLP, Generative AI, Large Language Models, etc. to provide speech and language therapies for all. Hence, proposed solutions should meet the sustainable developments goals 1, 2 and 3 involving agriculture, education and health. The domain knowledge requires structured representation to facilitate data sharing and reuse (access). The use of ontologies and knowledge graphs play significant role in most domain reasoning task. Modeling data representations with many layers of non-linear transformations requires the use of machine learning (ML). Hence, we see the link and combination of NLP, Ontologies, Knowledge graphs, ML algorithms, eXplainable AI and Large Language Models (LLM) as adequate tools to providing therapeutic multilingual solutions on the semantic web. This will help in data analysis, knowledge representation, interpretation and possible decision generation as therapy.
This workshop aims at demonstrating recent and future advances in Neuro-symbolic Reasoning, Machine learning, Ontologies, Knowledge Graphs NLP, Generative AI, Large Language Models, techniques which can provide counselling for wellness and machine translations solutions Also, results of on-going research in natural language processing, structured knowledge representations (featuring ontologies and knowledge graphs) and Machine Learning approaches as they are used by experts from industry, science and academia are encouraged for discussions.
We invite submission of original related researches but are not limited to the topics below.
The workshop is open for submission of unpublished work resulting from researches that present original scientific results, methodological aspects, concepts and approaches. All submissions must be PDF documents written in English and formatted according to CEUR-WS CEURART style. Templates are available for LaTeX and DOCX/ODT, for single column layout. welcome the following types of contributions:
The Submission Web page for MSW-2024 is
All deadlines are 23:59 anywhere on earth (WAT -12).
All accepted workshop papers will be published in CEUR Proceedings. The best papers from this workshop may be included in the supplementary proceedings of KGSWC 2024.
Usip, Patience U, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria < >